Stories Untold Eve

A year ago, we were sitting on a plane flying out to GDC16 in San Francisco to pitch a game to potential publishers, and do PR for our last mobile game Super Arc Light. 

This year, were sitting on a plane flying out to GDC17 in San Francisco to do PR and launch our most recent game Stories Untold ( Super Arc Light did quite well, well enough to let us make Stories Untold! It's been a crazy year, and we're so glad we've got another game coming out already. Then, almost immediately, we move on to the next one, something a bit bigger that we're really excited about...

SU was a super-fast development project: 6 months, give or take, not factoring the rediculous hours we pulled in the last few weeks. Since The House Abandon in late August, we've done 3 more episodes and pulled together what we hope is a fascinating, mysterious little package of games that experiment with language mechanics in an immersive cinematic way. 

Theres only 3 full time staff at No Code, with some part time help and the odd one off contract help. We're a small team still, and I'm really proud of what we've built. I'd like to think the quality of the game exceeds expectations of such a small team, but I'll let you guys be the judge. 

I've said a few times that 'I don't quite know what we've made', and I mean that in a good way. It's a weird game that tries to appeal to a mainstream audience whilst being about as un-handholding as it can be. Each episode explores some different ways you can work with text input, and how the context can completely change the feel. All wrapped up in odd short stories, wrapped up as a tv series, wrapped up in a game. 


1. By all means read reviews, but if you have any inclination to play, AVOID SPOILERS


3. Play (or watch streams) of episodes in order for the best experience. Like all good tv series/albums/mix tapes, there is a flow that's considered for pacing and so on.  

4. Sound up. Lights off. 

5. If you get stuck, think outside the box a bit. If you're still stuck, don't be afraid to check a walk through or ask around. Enjoyment is more important than 'an honest victory' in a game like this. Help each other out !


We really hope you enjoy it! Thanks for playing!

Jon McKellan